Jonas Bronck's Spirit - Arkiv
Top restaurant in Stockholm is now serving JBS.
Toprestaurant Omakase Köttslöjd / Stockholm, is now serving JBS.
A famous Swedish sommelier (Daniel Crespi) runs the restaurant.
Presentation in Gothenburg
Presentation in a restaurant in Gothenburg. A group of Someliers and Bartenders.
Galadinner in Växjö
Big Galadinner in Växjö. 380 people enjoyed JBSpirit as an Avec and I was there presenting the product and the story.
First delivery to our reseller
First delivery to our reseller, Janake Wine group.
Jönköpings Galan 2015
Jönköpings Galan 2015, 600 guests. We were nominated in category "export challenge".
Cocktail based on JBSpirit
A well known Swedish bartender has created a Cocktail based on JBSpirit.
Please find the recipe on How to enjoy JBSpirit
Visited a costumer, a Michelinstar restaurant
Visited a costumer, Michelinstar Restaurant in Gothenburg, and ended a fabulous dinner with a glass of our Jonas Broncks Spirit.
Some well known New Yorkers celebrated with us in our restaurant
Some well known New Yorkers were visiting Komstad / Sävsjö in 2014, as well as ~ 25 correspondents and journalists from all over the world to celebrate the 375 years anniversary with us in our restaurant.
Former Commissioner of NY, Brian G Andersson and the President of the Bronx Chambers of Commerce, Lenny Caro, among many others.
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